
Data Classification – How to get it right

By |2024-07-22T13:41:51+01:00July 22nd, 2024|Information Security, ISO27001 Certification, ISO27001 Implementation, policies and procedures, Risk Assessment|

Data Classification: How to get it right Not all business data is created equal. Some information is more valuable—and more sensitive—than others. This is where data classification becomes important. It helps separate the low risk information from the highly sensitive and confidential. What is Data Classification? Data classification is the process of categorising business information based on its level of sensitivity and the impact to the organisation should that data be disclosed, altered, or destroyed without authorisation. It's about understanding what data you have, where it [...]

Encryption vs. Password Protection: What you Need to Know

By |2024-07-05T16:30:03+01:00June 24th, 2024|Cyber Security, Information Security|

Encryption vs. Password Protection: What Businesses Need to Know As a business owner, you know that protecting your business information is crucial. But with so many cyber security terms floating around, it can be confusing to understand what you really need to protect your business. Today, let's demystify two common security concepts: encryption and password protection. What is Password Protection? Password protection is like putting a lock on your front door. It's a basic security measure that requires users to enter a secret code (the password) [...]

ISO27001 – Control 5.11 – Return of Assets

By |2024-06-14T14:34:48+01:00June 16th, 2024|Information Security, ISO 27001 Controls, ISO27001 Certification, ISO27001 Implementation|

ISO27001 - Control 5.11 - Return of Assets Control Personnel and other interested parties as appropriate should return all the organization’s assets in their possession upon change or termination of their employment, contract or agreement. What this means When a member of staff, contractor or supplier reaches the end of their employment or contract period, there should be a process in place to ensure that all the organisations assets are returned. This includes devices such as laptops and mobile phones as well as business paperwork (held [...]

ISO27001 – Control 5.10 – Acceptable use of information and other associated assets

By |2024-05-31T16:10:27+01:00June 3rd, 2024|Information Security, ISO 27001 Controls, ISO27001 Certification, ISO27001 Implementation|

ISO27001 - Control 5.10 - Acceptable use of information and other associated assets Control Rules for the acceptable use and procedures for handling information and other associated assets should be identified, documented and implemented. What this means This is all about ensuring that information and associated assets are appropriately protected, used and handled. You should have a procedure which documents the rules for acceptable use and the protection of assets. The organisation should identify the staff and external party users using or having access to the [...]

ISO27001 – Control 5.9 – Inventory of information and other associated assets

By |2024-05-28T12:11:45+01:00May 28th, 2024|Information Security, ISO 27001 Controls, ISO27001 Certification, ISO27001 Implementation|

ISO27001 - Control 5.9 - Inventory of information and other associated assets Control An inventory of information and other associated assets, including owners, should be developed and maintained. What this means Organizations should develop and maintain an inventory of their information assets and other associated resources, including details about who owns each asset. The purpose is to identify all the organization's important information and assets in order to properly secure them and assign clear ownership responsibilities. Ownership should be assigned when assets are created or when [...]

Do I need special Software to get ISO27001?

By |2024-05-31T14:05:39+01:00May 20th, 2024|Information Security, ISO27001 Implementation|

This is a question we get asked regularly "Is the software that is designed to monitor ISo27001 worth the investment?" If your organisation is ISO 27001 certified, you know how important it is to have a systematic approach for monitoring and managing your information security policies and controls. While there are software solutions specifically designed for this purpose, some organisations opt to use spreadsheets to track their compliance efforts. Let's look at the pros and cons of each approach. Dedicated ISO 27001 Compliance Software The advantages [...]

ISO27001 – Control 5.8 – Information Security In Project Management

By |2024-05-13T15:03:48+01:00May 13th, 2024|Information Security, ISO 27001 Controls, ISO27001 Certification, ISO27001 Implementation|

ISO27001 - Control 5.8 - Information Security in Project Management Control Information security should be integrated into Project Management. What this means When planning and executing projects, it's essential to integrate information security practices throughout the entire project lifecycle. Information security risks can derail projects and jeopardise deliverables if not addressed proactively. This can be applied to any type of project regardless of its complexity, size, duration, discipline or application area (e.g. a project for a core business process, ICT, facility management or other supporting processes). [...]

How to create an effective Policy

By |2024-05-06T11:37:26+01:00May 6th, 2024|Information Security, policies and procedures|

Creating Effective Policy and Procedure Documents Having well-written and easy-to-follow policies is crucial for ensuring consistency and compliance within an organisation. However knowing what the format should look like can be a challenge and getting it wrong means lots of changes. We've written hundred of policies for clients and so I am going to share our format for creating easy to understand and follow policies. Here's the structure we use for creating effective policy documents: Front Cover I know a lot of people think that having [...]

ISO27001 – Control 5.7 – Threat Intelligence

By |2024-04-26T17:58:33+01:00April 26th, 2024|Cyber Security, Information Security, ISO 27001 Controls, ISO27001 Certification, ISO27001 Implementation|

ISO27001 - Control 5.7 - Threat Intelligence Control Information relating to information security threats should be collected and analysed to produce threat intelligence. What this means Organizations should gather and analyze information about security threats to understand the risks they face. This "threat intelligence" can help them take appropriate actions to prevent attacks or reduce the impact of an attack. Threat intelligence has three levels: Strategic - High-level information about the overall landscape of threats and attackers Tactical - Details on the methods, tools, and technologies [...]

ISO27001 – Control 5.6 – Contact with Special Interest Groups

By |2024-04-11T14:58:45+01:00April 15th, 2024|Information Security, ISO 27001 Controls|

ISO27001 - Control 5.6 - Contact with Special Interest Groups Control The organization shall establish and maintain contact with special interest groups or other specialist security forums and professional associations. What this means As an organization, it's important to establish and maintain contact with special interest groups, security forums, and professional associations related to information security. Why is this important? The goal is to ensure there is an appropriate flow of information when it comes to information security. How can you do this? Here are some [...]

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